Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Inaugural Blog!

I'm popping Ooooogurrrl's cherry! Finally, I'm getting some sort of action in the New Year. Beckstasy and I have been threatening for a while to do some sort of collaborative writing effort. Now that I live on the other side of the country, we figure this is the perfect time to stop being lazy. Man we suck sometimes.

This is an opportunity for us to stay in touch (aiming for daily) as well as a way for you sick internet fucks to keep up on our musings. I mean let's not kid ourselves here, we're pretty hilarious, and you know you miss hanging out with us.

So that's all I have to say for right now. I should probably go start my day. It's not raining or hailing yet. In fact there isn't a cloud in the sky. Take this opportunity to flag the page, make it a favorite, and start stalking. You know you want to.


1 comment:

RS3 said...

Good luck girls it's a jungle out here in this blogging world.